Official Platform
Version 2.0 adopted on September 5th, 1999
1. Propose an official non-intervention policy for Quebec
Adopt an official police and judicial non-intervention policy for cases involving simple possession (30 grams or less), cultivation (for personal use) and trafficking (5 grams or less) of marijuana or hashish. Create a permanent parliamentary commission to oversee public interests in matters concerning cannabis. This commission would handle all aspects of cannabis (recreational, medical, industrial…) Use all legal means available to promote this message and develop pressure tactics to incite public and private organisations in taking an official stance.
2. Demand a legalization policy from the Federal Government
Demand an immediate non-intervention policy for cannabis in Canada. This policy would ease the social climate and allow for open consultations without the risk of repression. Demand a public consultation on the legalisation of cannabis that respects the democratic principles of our free market society and solicits workable models for legal marijuana. Pressure the Federal Government to remove cannabis from the list of controlled substances and to announce Canada's formal intention to withdraw from the United Nation's Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. Demand a referendum on the marijuana legalization issue in Canada. Use all legal means available to promote this message and develop pressure tactics to incite public and private organisations in taking an official stance.
3. Demonstrate the social advantages of legalizing marijuana
Prohibition is an infringement of human rights and our freedom. It threatens the security of individuals by limiting them to a criminal network for supply. It also undermines the possibility of promoting the concept of responsible use. A consequence of prohibition is that several individuals have a criminal record solely for cannabis infractions. These individual's lives are permanently scarred by a criminal record that can limit opportunities for employment, travel or certain fields of study. Non-intervention, or legalization, would eliminate the stigma and the alienation of these individuals by no longer labelling them as criminals. A society that claims to be based on justice cannot tolerate prohibitionist policies.
Industrial hemp presents numerous advantages for the environment, but prohibition of recreational marijuana is responsible for the excessive control measures on growing hemp. This means that hemp farming is not on a level playing field with other agricultural products. Our policies would help narrow the gaps in this field and encourage a progressive industrial re-conversion to hemp-based products. Legalization would help create employment in a new area of commerce, the hemp industry, and generate new sources of revenue for our nation. Our tolerant policies would also attract large numbers of tourists, and bring us tremendous economic benefits.
4. Defend the victims of marijuana prohibition
Offer resources to those who wish to contest the law. Build a network of collaborators and act together so we may be heard collectively.
5. Offer immediate access to medical marijuana
Besides reducing the health risk associated with the use of unregulated products, our policies would also help advance research on the positive effects of cannabis and the legitimate medical applications. We recognize the urgent need of certain patients to have access to marijuana. However, we believe that restrictions applying to medicinal marijuana are caused by prohibition of recreational marijuana. We now recognize patients' right to obtain cannabis illegally in order to treat their illnesses, as well as the right for citizens to assist them in the process.
6. Amend the Quebec electoral law
The "first past the post", winner-take-all plurality voting system, currently in use in the U.S. and most Commonwealth countries, undermines citizens' confidence in their capacity to make a true difference. The Bloc Pot aims at implementing proportional representation, as a way to foster participatory democracy.
7. Prepare for both constitutional eventualities
The evils caused by prohibition transcend the linguistic, geographic, economic or demographic borders of Quebec and Canada, and assume global proportions. In Quebec, the constitutional debate generates uncertainty and requires a particular strategy. The Bloc Pot does not seek to take sides in this debate, but in the event of another political context here, we will remain present to demand the legalisation of marijuana in Quebec as outlined in this program.
Annex : Guide to responsible use of cannabis
Age limit
Prohibition prevents effective methods of monitoring the age of users and facilitates access to young people. Proper age limits should be set to protect our youth from abusive consumption.
Responsibility behind the wheel
Responsible users do not drive a vehicle with impaired faculties, be it by cannabis or any other condition (fatigue, medication, alcohol). We must focus on developing objective measures to evaluate drivers' sobriety without necessarily using chemical devices.
Set and setting
Responsible users take care in considering the set and setting before choosing to consume. This choice can be based upon the personal values and experience of the users as well as on the social and physical circumstances.
Cannabis use that causes harm to one's health or impedes personal development should be considered abusive.
Respect of others rights
Responsible users respect non-users rights to live without cannabis. Responsible users seek to respect public regulations regarding smoking, be it cannabis or cigarettes.
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